My experience of playing the trumpet using Jerome Callet's Superchops embouchure.
I have created this Blog so that I can pass on my experience of learning to play the trumpet using the Superchops method, or more technically known as the Tongue Controlled Embouchure, as taught by the late Jerome Callet. I have been learning this method for more than 20 years now (using Jerome's book "Trumpet Secrets", and also his DVD, as well as a number of telephone lessons with him) with a high level of success, and have documented my progress from day 1 to the present, recording down everything that has allowed me to progress further with this wonderful method of playing the trumpet; (or any other brass instrument for that matter).
I have given my own brief description of the Superchops embouchure below, but for those of you not already familiar with the Superchops system, that require a detailed description of the Superchops embouchure, click on the link to the Jerome Callet's Master Superchops site. There you will find lots of useful information as well as a full description, and photos showing how the embouchure works.
I hope you find the following notes helpful - please let me know what you think.
I started playing the trumpet at age 9 and used the conventional embouchure method (tongue between the lips - both lips vibrate) for many years but struggled with range, power and endurance until I learnt about the Superchops method from Jerome Callet. Since then I have never looked back as has helped me enormously.
I play lead trumpet in a local Big Band and am Principal Trumpet with the Hertfordshire Concert Band.